Local Foods, Local Places




Click HERE to access the report and action plan from the “Local Foods, Local Places” workshop held on October 9-10, 2018!





The Indiana County Sustainable Economic Development Task Force steering committee hosted the Local Foods, Local Places (LFLP) workshop on October 9 and 10.

Participants considered, discussed, and planned ways that Indiana can better provide access to healthy, locally-produced foods for people at all income levels. There was also discussion about how Indiana communities can improve local economies by supporting county agricultural producers, in particular those who want to practice sustainable farming methods.

One of only 16 communities in the United States to be selected by the Environmental Protection Agency, Indiana will benefit in several ways through the Local Foods, Local Places program. Other communities have successfully used the outcomes of similar workshops to develop ideas aimed at revitalizing downtowns, boosting local economies, improving public health, and protecting the environment through local food enterprises.

A flyer and agenda for the program are attached. The workshop was open to the public at no charge. Lunch and refreshments were provided with funding from the Colcom Foundation and The Heinz Endowments to the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Citizen Education Fund.

Invite anyone you believe would be interested in this initiative to get involved. This program will ultimately help boost economic opportunities while improving access to healthy local food, and promoting wellness in our small towns and rural communities in Indiana County If you have any questions, please contact coordinator Kay Snyder at 724-422-0526, or email Sherene Hess at shess@indianacountypa.gov.

Lots of exciting future projects and ideas were discussed. Stay tuned for news in this area.

The Local Foods, Local Places Steering Committee
Kay Snyder, Peter Broad, Darlene Livingston, Susan Boser, and Sherene Hess

Click on the links below for more information about the workshop!

LFLP Indiana – Workshop Flyer – final

LFLP Indiana_Workshop Agenda – final for Invitations