Indiana County Solar Co-Op Most Successful in PA: Sign Up Date Extended!!!

If you missed your first chance to join the Indiana County Solar Co-Op, it’s not too late!!

Due to the large demand for membership, the Co-Op will now accept signed contracts until August 8th. This extension will allow more people to access the group installation price, saving them thousands. Becoming a Co-Op member is not a commitment to signing a solar installation contract, but prospective members should only join in they are seriously considering a solar installation on their property. If you are interested in becoming a member of the solar co-op, click the button below.
According to Henry McKay, the Pennsylvania Program Director at Solar United Neighbors, the Indiana County Solar Co-Op is the most successful Co-Op in Pennsylvania both in terms of raw numbers and percentage of participants who signed solar contracts. The neighboring Solar Co-Op in Allegheny County only had 6 installations, whereas Indiana's Co-Op has 15 signed contracts so far. This number is sure to grow now that the sign-up date has been extended. 

Largest Co-Op Solar Installation
co-op solar install (5)
Pictured above, the largest installation in the Solar Co-Op, and the 5th largest installation in the county to date.